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1960: Cars guzzle fuel at some 10 miles per gallon.
2024: Cars can do almost 100 miles per gallon.

The difference?
Efficient Engines!

The human body is no different. Your efficiency is in your body cells, in a place called the mitochondria. Your mitochondrial health determines how fast you age – even your longevity.

"Boost Your Mitochondrial Health"

Youthfulness Happens Deep in Your Cells


... Metabolic Dysfunction¹

Metabolic dysfunction is due to mitochondria problems. Every disease or weakness of the body is the result of inability to properly use energy to function. Then ...

Your skin starts thinning, sagging, and wrinkling. Healing slows down and you experience more bruising. Blood flow in the brain may decrease. Blood pressure rises, higher risk of diabetes for women, heart muscles start hardening, bones start shrinking in size and density... the symptoms of ageing!

Without appropriate changes, the situation gets worse, you start getting blood clots, constantly fatigued, constant brain fog, deterioration in memory, macular degeneration or cataracts, increased risk of frailty, and an increased risk of being on lots of disease medicines.

MitoTaur can help relieve and ease the troubles of ageing. It combines three molecules in a very precise ratio to achieve this. Too little will not achieve any result and too much will achieve the reverse effect. MitoTaur is supremely precise!


A Unique Blue Molecule

It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines². Science-backed and well-documented.4 Methylene blue it is.

Health is a relationship between you and your body. Your health influences your energy level, sleep quality, mental well-being and other things. MitoTaur is the blue supplement that boosts your health.

It contains methylene blue, which is anti-malaria, protects from carbon monoxide poisoning, a unique antioxidant, boosts oxygen in the body, protects against brain fog, prevents memory loss, keeps wrinkles away, helps heal skin problems, stops glycation (which makes age faster), promotes cellular energy, and many more!


MitoTaur is Your Friend

SUPER Antioxidant PQQ: "10 TIMES More POTENT Than Resveratrol" - Dr David Sinclair, anti-ageing expert.³

Supercharge: to make an engine more powerful by pushing in more air and fuel than usual. To make something more powerful or impressive. MitoTaur boosts and balances your mitochondria for energy. Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.



Unleash Your True Potential!

MitaTaur helps your body address the three main functions of metabolism, which are: the conversion of the energy in food to energy; conversion of food to building blocks for proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates; and the elimination of metabolic wastes. Nourish your journey with health in every capsule of MitoTaur



  • Formulated For Mitochondria
  • Reverse Brain Fog
  • Supercharge Antioxidants
  • Synergistic With Taurine & PQQ
  • Increased NAD+ Levels
  • Enhanced Memory
  • Delayed Skin Ageing
  • Blocks Most Infections
  • Treats Malaria
  • Wound Healing
  • Regulates Minerals in the Cells
  • Fights Brain Ageing
  • Protects Your Heart





5.00 out of 5


MitoTaur™ … the Most Powerful Means of Boosting Your Mitochondrial Health

A 30-day supply of the super supplement. Engineered with precision to optimise your health, so you can look and feel your very best. MitoTaur’s powerful and precise ingredients have several anti-ageing benefits, including:

  • Protecting brain decline
  • Protection of Mitochondria
  • Reducing insulin resistance
  • Ensuring cell membrane stability
  • Promoting a more youthful immune system
  • Improving muscle strength and endurance
  • Regulating calcium levels within cells
  • Suppressing age-associated weight gain and increasing energy expenditure
SKU: MT234 Category:

Frequently Bought Together

Price for all:   £127.00


MitoTaur is a supplement that contains methylene blue, taurine, and PQQ that helps with mitochondrial health. Mitochondrial dysfunction affects how your organs function. It can cause the following complications: 1. Increased risk of infection. 2. Strokes. 3. Pancreatic failure. 4. Parathyroid failure. 5. Diabetes. 6. Liver failure. 7. Cardiomyopathy. 8. Kidney disease. 9. Dementia. 10. Gastrointestinal conditions. 11. Drooping eyelid (ptosis).1

Mitochondrial dysfunction occurs when mitochondria don’t work as well as they should due to another disease or condition 1. Mitochondria are responsible for producing energy in cells, and when they don’t function properly, it can lead to a variety of symptoms. Mitochondrial diseases are a group of genetic conditions that affect how mitochondria in your cells produce energy. Mitochondrial diseases can affect almost any part of your body, including the cells of your brain, nerves, muscles, kidneys, heart, liver, eyes, ears, and pancreas 1.

See one of the benefits below:

(for information purposes only)

(for information purposes only)

1. Methylene Blue
Methylene Blue was first discovered as a dye and later as a malaria treatment. It is mainly used to treat methemoglobinemia. Other recent health benefits include increased low blood pressure, improved cognition in healthy people, boosted mitochondrial function, anti-microbial properties, slowed skin ageing, enhanced cognitive function, improved memory, sharper focus, mood improvement and increased emotional well-being3.

2. Taurine
Taurine is an amino acid that is part of proteins. It has functions that contribute to immunity and the nervous system. It contributes to heart health, reducing cholesterol, controlling pressure and nerve formation 1. Taurine is also essential for a healthy heart, brain, bones, vision, hearing, and many more. It’s thought to increase physical stamina and improve athletic performance. It’s also critical for mental health and well-being. Taurine can help with anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia 2.

3. Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)
Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) is a compound made by bacteria, found in fruits and vegetables. It is sometimes called methoxatin, pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt, and a longevity vitamin. PQQ in bacteria helps them digest alcohol and sugar, which makes energy. This energy helps them survive and grow. It is also a growth factor that helps plants and animals grow and seems to help them tolerate stress. PQQ is often used in supplements for energy, memory, enhanced focus, and overall brain health4.

MitoTaur has been created in a precision-engineered ratio with these three special ingredients to maximise your health and wellness as a part of a healthy lifestyle.

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More Energy
Better Immune Health
Improved Heart Health
Transformed Mitochondria


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